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Issuer: SIKA Croatia d.o.o.
Place of issue: Zagreb
Certificate holder: INTECO d.o.o.
Type of certificate: OVLAŠTENJE
Awarded certification: Ovlašteni izvođač PVC membrana
Issuer: BASF Croatia d.o.o.
Place of issue: Zagreb
Certificate holder: Mladen Kožić
Type of certificate: CERTIFIKAT
Awarded certification: Završeno usavršavanje u primjeni MASTERSEAL hidroizolacijskog sustava
Issuer: BASF Croatia d.o.o.
Place of issue: Zagreb
Certificate holder: Mladen Žgavec
Type of certificate: CERTIFIKAT
Awarded certification: Tehničko usavršavanje u primjeni NANOCRETE sustava
Issuer: SIKA Croatia d.o.o.
Place of issue: Zagreb
Certificate holder: Mladen Žgavec
Type of certificate: UVJERENJE
Awarded certification: Popravak, sanacija i zaštita betonskih površina
Issuer: BASF Croaria d.o.o.
Place of issue: Zagreb
Certificate holder: Mladen Žgavec
Type of certificate: UVJERENJE
Awarded certification: Uspješno sudjelovanje u radionici
Issuer: Sika-Plastiment Ges.m.b.H
Type of certificate: Produktekenntnisse derSika - Trocal Kunststoffsichtungsbahnen
Issuer: HABERKORN Abdichtungssysteme GmbH
Certificate holder: INTECO d.o.o.
Awarded certification: Izjava o stručnom osposobljenju za rad s Saranfil materijalima
Issuer: DEGUSSA Construction Chemicals Hrvatska d.o.o.
Certificate holder: suradnici i inženjeri tvrtke INTECO d.o.o.
Awarded certification: Certifikat o stručnom osposobljenju za primjenu sustava
Issuer: HAMELMANN Diplom
Certificate holder: Nikola Janković
Awarded certification: Diploma za prisustvo na školovanju
Issuer: Zavod za poslovna istraživanja
Place of issue: Zagreb
Certificate holder: gdin. Borislav Balać,
Awarded certification: Jednom od najuspješnijih poduzetnika u 1998. godini
Issuer: Zavod za poslovna istraživanja
Place of issue: Zagreb
Certificate holder: gdin. Borislav Balać,
Awarded certification: Jednom od najuspješnijih poduzetnika u 1999. godini
Issuer: Zavod za poslovna istraživanja
Place of issue: Zagreb
Certificate holder: gdin. Borislav Balać,
Awarded certification: Jednom od najuspješnijih poduzetnika u 2000. godini
Issuer: Zavod za poslovna istraživanja
Place of issue: Zagreb
Certificate holder: gdin. Borislav Balać,
Awarded certification: Član kluba dobrostojećih 2000. / 2001. godine
Issuer: Zavod za poslovna istraživanja
Place of issue: Zagreb
Certificate holder: gdin. Borislav Balać,
Awarded certification: Jednom od najuspješnijih poduzetnika u 2001. godini
Issuer: Zavod za poslovna istraživanja
Place of issue: Zagreb
Certificate holder: gdin. Borislav Balać,
Awarded certification: Jednom od najuspješnijih poduzetnika u 2002. godini
Issuer: Zavod za poslovna istraživanja
Place of issue: Zagreb
Certificate holder: gdin. Borislav Balać,
Awarded certification: Jednom od najuspješnijih poduzetnika u 2003. godini
Issuer: Zavod za poslovna istraživanja
Place of issue: Zagreb
Certificate holder: gdin. Borislav Balać,
Awarded certification: Jednom od najuspješnijih poduzetnika u 2005. godini
Issuer: HEP Proizvodnja d.o.o.
Place of issue: HE Vinodol, Tribalj
Awarded certification: Potvrda o ispunjenim ugovornim Obvezama
Issuer: HEP Proizvodnja d.o.o.
Place of issue: HE Sjever, Varaždin
Awarded certification: Potvrda o ispunjenim ugovornim obvezama
Issuer: HEP Proizvodnja d.o.o.
Place of issue: HE Orlovac, Buško Jezero
Awarded certification: Potvrda o ispunjenim ugovornim obvezama
Issuer: HEP Proizvodnja d.o.o.
Place of issue: HE Sjever, Čakovec
Awarded certification: Potvrda o ispunjenim ugovornim obvezama
Issuer: Županijska uprava za ceste
Place of issue: Međimurska županija - Čakovec
Awarded certification: Potvrda o ispunjenim ugovornim obvezama
Issuer: Ured župana
Place of issue: Međimurska županija - Čakovec
Type of certificate: Potvrda o ispunjenim ugovornim obvezama
Issuer: Institut Ruđer Bošković
Type of certificate: Potvrda o ispunjenim ugovornim obvezama
Awarded certification: Sanacija ravnih krovova
Issuer: Zavod za javno zdravstvo grada Zagreba
Type of certificate: Objekti u Mirogojskoj 16
Awarded certification: Potvrda o ispunjenim ugovornim obvezama
Issuer: Gavrilović d.o.o.
Type of certificate: Sanacija stropne AB konstrukcije - Ekspedit
Awarded certification: Završna ocjena naručitelja o izvoditelju radova
Issuer: Hrvatske Ceste d.o.o.
Type of certificate: Radovi obnove Tounjskog mosta na D-23
Awarded certification: Potvrda o ispunjenim ugovornim obvezama
Issuer: HEP PROIZVODNJA d.o.o.
Place of issue: HE Zapad, Ozalj
Type of certificate: Potvrda o ispunjenim ugovornim obvezama
Issuer: Jadran - Turist Rovinj d.d.
Place of issue: Rovinj
Type of certificate: Konstruktivna sanacija AB stupova hotela
Awarded certification: Završna ocjena naručitelja o izvoditelju radova
Issuer: Zračna Luka Zagreb d.d.
Type of certificate: Sanacija betonskog kolnika stajanke i drugi radovi
Awarded certification: Potvrda o ispunjenim ugovornim obvezama
Issuer: TŽV Popravak i proizvodnja željezničkih vozila d.o.o.
Type of certificate: Radovi sanacije ravnog krova Lokomotivske hale
Awarded certification: Mišljenje o provedenim radovima sanacije
Place of issue: Kaštel Sućurac
Type of certificate: Sanacija hidroizolacije ravnog krova silosa
Awarded certification: Mišljenje o izvedbi hidroizolacijskog sustava
Type of certificate: Sanacija ravnog krova Proizvodne hale Žitnjak
Awarded certification: Preporuka za stručno i kvalitetno izvedene radove
Issuer: Koncertna dvorana Vatroslav Lisinski
Place of issue: Zagreb
Type of certificate: Sanacije južne terase dvorane
Awarded certification: Potvrda o ispunjenim ugovornim obvezama
Issuer: TEHNIKA d.d.
Place of issue: Zagreb
Type of certificate: Sanacija krova osnovne škole Malešnica
Awarded certification: Preporuka po izvedenim radovima
Issuer: Deutsche Gesellschaft fur Technische Zusammenarbeit
Type of certificate: Sanacija ravnih krovova hotela Albatros - Cavtat
Awarded certification: Preporuka kojom se potencijalnim invcestitorima preporuča
Issuer: Dom Sportova
Place of issue: Zagreb
Type of certificate: sanacija krova velike dvorane Doma Sportova
Awarded certification: Preporuka za nastavak radova
Issuer: ELKA d.d.
Place of issue: Zagreb
Type of certificate: Sanacija ravnog krova i hermetizacija al. fasade
Awarded certification: Preporuka po izvedenim radovima

The INTECO Company, Zagreb presented today, in front of distinguished representatives from the world of business, the first robot for hydrodynamic treatment of concrete and metal surfaces developed in Croatia.


It is our great pleasure that we can inform you that after five years of intensive development, we have successfully completed our first commercial robot for hydrodynamic treatment of concrete and metal surfaces R Jet – 062...

In the beautiful landscape of Peruća Lake, we have started work on the repair of the decant structure of the Peruća hydroelectric dam. Job consists of repair of concrete and cracks on the wall of the decant structure and on the bottom of the intake. The procedure has been envisaged in a way that degraded...

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